What NIB Offers Qualitative Research Authors
Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics (NIB) has published qualitative research from leading bioethics scholars, including:
Ann Cook Freedman and Helen HoasLaura Dunn and Laura Roberts
Eric Racine
Jeremy Sugarman
Holly Taylor
Katherine Wasson
And others!

NIB offers authors of qualitative research articles:
Generous Word Limits. Articles may be up to 7,500 words in length--that's double what many health science journals offer. After publishing an abridged version of your work in JAMA, consider sending us a complete analysis of your project--exploring multiple themes with excerpts from interviews.
Expert Peer Reviewers. Our editorial board and list of peer reviewers include leading qualitative researchers. If your submission is sent to peer review, you will receive useful feedback that will improve your article.
Indexing in PubMed/MEDLINE, Web of Science, Scopus, PhilPapers, and Google Scholar. All of our articles are indexed in PubMed, ensuring that people will be able to find your work.
Distribution on Project MUSE. More than 1,200 institutions and libraries have access to NIB on the Project MUSE platform, ensuring exceptional accessibility among scholars.
Publication of Accepted Articles Online Prior to Print. Articles can be cited faster using the date of access on Project MUSE and can be accessed sooner by readers.
In addition to publishing qualitative research articles, NIB also publishes case studies that involve bioethical issues and narrative symposia on selected topics. Click here to access our Guidelines for Authors.